Friday 31 January 2020

Jorge Andres Azpurua Ramirez, Executive Director

Jorge Andres Azpurua Ramirez was an executive director at Grupo Eiffel and as such was actively involved in supervising any and all administrative and financial issues for the company. While under his leadership, Grupe Eiffel executed over 14,000 units in Venezuela and worked on housing developments in both Trinidad and Tobago in a joint venture with local investors and developers. He managed Grupo, the family business, with over 40 years of activity and over 1,400 employees.

During his career, Jorge Andres Azpurua Ramirez has served on many Executive Boards including the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for BanPro Banco Universal as well as the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee for Corporacion Industrial Montana. He also served the Board of Directors for Condinca, a Venezuelan real estate company specializing in acquiring multifamily properties and condominiums and then converting them. He even served one period on the Board of Directors for the “Federación Venezolana de Entidades de Ahorro y Préstamo,” a national savings and loans chamber.

An education was important to Jorge Andres Azpurua Ramirez, so before starting his career, he attended Babson College in Wellesley, MA receiving a Bachelor's of Science in Business and majored in Entrepreneurial studies as well as a concentration in economics. He also is a graduate from Stonier Graduate School of Banking from the American Bankers Association department.